Discharge Characteristics Simulation Method of Equipotential Worker-Tower Structure Gap |
Zhang Qiushi1, Wang Linong1, Fang Yaqi1, Liu Kai2, Gao Jiachen1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. China Electrical Power Research Institute Wuhan 430074 China |
Abstract In the paper, the gap between the equipotential worker and tower structure in live working on EHV and UHV high voltage were chosen as the study object, the calculation method of function R for rod-plane gap considering the proximity effect of conductors was derived based on Rizk leader inception model, a structural coefficient Tg was proposed to quantify the effect characterization of irregular tower structure, the calculation model of leader inception voltage and discharge voltage for equipotential worker-tower structure gap was established. Taking 6 split-conductors and wine cup tower as the study object, the validity of the established model was verified based on the full-scale experimental data of the gaps between equipotential worker in different poses and tower structures, the calculation error was not more than 6.5% and tended to decrease with increasing gap length. The result shows that the proposed calculation model can provide a reliable theoretical method for the research on discharge characteristics of equipotential worker-tower structure gap. Finally, the effect of tower structure and human posture on discharge characteristics of the working gap were analyzed by the proposed model, then some reasonable recommendations for live working operation were presented.
Received: 28 April 2018
Published: 14 June 2019
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