Compatibility between Low Voltage Variable-Frequency Drives and Voltage Sags in Distribution Systems |
Xu Yonghai1, Li Chenyi1,2, Wang Kun1, Lu Wenqing1 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2. Chengdong Power Supply Center State Grid Chengdu Electric Power Supply Company Chengdu 610011 China |
Abstract Firstly, the performance and mechanism of the variable-frequency drive (VFD) affected by voltage sags were deeply analyzed by theoretical analysis and experiments. Then, 7 representative brands of VFDs in domestic market with small and medium power (7.5kW & 18.5kW) were selected as the samples. The influence of various factors was tested on the sample VFDs. Further, the general tolerance curves of VFDs under the most severe sag type (three-phase sag) were obtained by comprehensive analysis of more than 13 000 groups of test data. Moreover, a method considering the compatibility probability of uncertain region was proposed. In this method, based on test data and measured sags, the probability distribution models were established using the modified maximum entropy method improved by logarithmic transformation, which include the models of fault probability of VFDs in uncertain region and amplitude and duration of sags in the distribution system. Then, the compatibility probability in uncertain area and total numbers for no trip were calculated. Finally, compared with other probabilistic fitting methods and traditional compatibility analysis methods, the validity and accuracy of the proposed method were verified.
Received: 02 February 2018
Published: 29 May 2019
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