Experimental Research on Adjustable Speed Drivers Tolerance to Voltage Sags and Quantitative Method Part II: Experiment and Quantification Method |
Tang Songhao1, Tao Shun1, Liu Yingying2, Chen Cong3, Xiao Xiangning1 |
1. State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources orth China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power Transmission Technology Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Beijing 102211 China 3. State Grid Electric Power Research Institute of Hangzhou Electric Power Company Hangzhou 310016 China |
Abstract Quantifying the influence of voltage sags on adjustable speed drivers (ASDs) while putting forward suggestions and improvement measures has become a common concern for power grid corporations, consumers and manufacturers. In this paper, on the basis of the test method proposed in part I, four kinds of mainstream brands ASDs in our country were selected as equipment under test (EUTs). Then the typical ASD tolerance curve by comprehensively analyzing 10 716 groups of data was obtained. In particular, considering the randomness of voltage sag characteristics, load fluctuations and ASD manufacture parameters, the uncertainty of ASD tolerance curves was quantified and the fault probability of the fuzzy areas was proposed. It can provide references for quantifying the influence and economic losses of voltage sags assessment, and economic analysis of the mitigation schemes.
Received: 22 January 2018
Published: 29 May 2019
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