Research on Wind Farm Active Power Dispatching Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Evaluation |
Liu Jun, Zhang Binbin, Zhao Ting |
School of Automation and Information Engineering Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710048 China |
Abstract The active power dispatching algorithm of wind farms based on wind speed weight has the problems of large fluctuation of active power output and frequent adjustment of pitch system. Therefore, an active power dispatching algorithm based on fuzzy evolution had been proposed. The wind turbine curtailment power operation is divided into variable speed, variable speed joint variable pitch and variable pitch operation zone. Taken the pitch angle, rotating speed and wind speed as inputs, the schedule and regulation capacity of wind turbine is given by piecewise fuzzy inferring. Finally, the active power of the wind turbine is obtained by the active power dispatching algorithm based on the capacity weight distribution. The simulation shows that, through the active power dispatching algorithm based the fuzzy evaluation, the active power output of wind farm is smoother and the amplitude of pitch angle is decreased.
Received: 15 January 2018
Published: 01 March 2019
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