Analysis and Optimization of Electromagnetic Compatibility for Motor Control Circuit and Main Circuit of Automobile Cooling Unit |
Jin Liang, Feng Wei, Kou Xiaofei, Yang Qingxin, Wang Wei |
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy Tianjin Polytechnic University Tianjin 300387 China |
Abstract With the popularization of electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology, the use of amount of electronic and electrical equipment has put forward increasingly stringent requirements for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and the EMC problem in product design has become increasingly important. In this paper, the finite element model is established for the main circuit, including the simple placing of copper, the addition of iron connectors, and the addition of iron connectors and copper conductors. The surface electric field intensity is calculated and the electric field distribution trend is analyzed. The electromagnetic field distribution of fan motor control circuit and main circuit is measured by experiments. The simulation results are proved to be correct, and the reason of local field intensity concentration is analyzed, and the improvement measures are given. The signal integrity analysis of the signal network connecting the MOSFET grid electrode with the main chip of the control circuit was carried out, and the line eye diagram was obtained by simulation calculation. By adjusting the terminal resistance, the height and width of the eye diagram were improved, and the transmission quality of the signal was effectively improved. Through the finite element analysis of the main circuit and the signal integrity simulation of the control circuit, the field strength and line eye diagram are accurately studied. Compared with the traditional qualitative analysis method, more accurate electronic circuit improvement measures are given.
Received: 01 July 2018
Published: 15 February 2019
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