Parallel Compensation Control of Power Factor Corrector Without Electrolytic Capacitor by Power Decoupling |
Wang Liqiao, CuiShumin, Chen Mei |
Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China |
Abstract A new parallel compensation control strategy is proposed in this paper,which is applied to the power decoupled PFC without electrolytic capacitor and realizes the purpose of improving the service life and reliability of the system. In this paper, Boost-type bidirectional Buck/Boost converter is regarded as the power decoupling circuit firstly.The parallel compensation control strategy based on fixed duty cycle is proposed and its compensation characteristics are analyzed. And then a new type of parallel compensation control strategy is proposed on the basis of fixed duty ratio control strategy. Compared with the traditional control strategy, the new control strategy has simple structure, easy implementation, fast response speed, short system adjustment time, the load voltage ripple is not sensitive to changes in load power, and realizes sensorless and low cost power decoupling. In order to further reduce the withstanding voltage value of devices, the Buck-type bidirectional Buck/Boost converter is introduced in power decoupling scheme, which also realized the purpose of removal of electrolytic capacitor from PFC circuit, under the control of the new strategy proposed in this paper. Finally, the simulation and experimental study of the new parallel compensation control strategy are performed to verify the validity of the proposed scheme.
Received: 18 January 2018
Published: 31 January 2019
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