Integrated Control Strategy for Battery Energy Storage Systems in Distribution Networks with High Photovoltaic Penetration |
Li Jiaqi1, Chen Jian1, Zhang Wen1, Zhang Yicheng2, Bao Guannan3 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Shandong University Jinan 250061 China; 2. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological University 639798 Singapore; 3. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Dispatching & Control Center Jinan 250001 China; |
Abstract In order to solve the voltage violation problems caused by the high photovoltaic penetration or high load profile as well as to reduce the cost of energy storage as a means of voltage control by obtaining economic benefits under the time-of-use (TOU) tariff, an integrated control strategy for battery energy storage systems in distribution networks is presented in this paper. The proposed strategy involves two parts, i.e., the voltage control strategy and the arbitrage operation strategy. The voltage control aims at solving the voltage violation problems, and builds the evaluation matrix considering the lifetime, state of charge (SOC), voltage sensitivity and the operating costs. The battery unit with the maximum comprehensive evaluation index will be selected to improve the efficiency of voltage control. On the premise of voltage security, the arbitrage operation part utilizes the TOU tariff and minimizes the impact of battery status change on the node voltage. The battery unit with the minimal voltage sensitivity factor, the minimal operating cost and the best SOC will be selected to control with this strategy. The proposed method can achieve peak load shifting, improve the voltage security of the distribution network, and enhance the economic profits of the users. Meanwhile, it can also balance the utilization of the battery unit and extend the lifetime of the entire energy storage system. Case studies show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Received: 05 December 2017
Published: 29 January 2019
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