Numerical Evaluation Method for Moisture Content of Transformer Oil-Paper Insulation Based on Dielectric Response Technique |
Zhang Mingze1, Liu Ji1, Qi Pengshuai1, Chen Qingguo1, Liao Lilin2, Chen Xin3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Engineering Dielectrics and Its Application (Ministry of Education) Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China; 2. State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Dielectrics Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China; 3. Heilongjiang Electric Power Research Institute Harbin 150090 China |
Abstract The moisture content in the pressboard is an important index to evaluate the aging performance of transformer insulation. In order to apply dielectric response technique to measure the moisture content of transformer pressboard, this paper deduces the equivalent model of transformer XY and the algorithm of dielectric constant of mixed dielectric. The relationship between the moisture content in pressboard and dielectric loss of XY equivalent model is obtained. At the same time, combining the experimental data and the basic idea of time-temperature superposition, the specific formulas of the real and imaginary parts of the complex dielectric constant of dehydrated pure new oil impregnated pressboard are obtained. Then the obtained formulas are introduced into the relational equation of the moisture content and dielectric loss of pressboard. A cyclic iterative fitting algorithm is obtained. XY equivalent models of three different proportions are prepared under laboratory conditions for the test of dielectric loss under different temperature conditions. Compared with the test results by the insulation pressboard moisture content test software of IDAX-300 equipment, it is found that the mean error of the moisture content calculated by the proposed iterative algorithm is 4.83%.
Received: 15 July 2017
Published: 26 September 2018
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