Quantitative Detection of the CS2 Produced by SF6 Decomposition Based on Ultraviolet Differential Optical Absorption Spectrometry |
Cui Zhaolun1, Meng Fansheng2, Cheng Zheng3, Li Yalong1, Zhang Xiaoxing1 |
1. School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. Substation Access Room of State Grid Power Company of Shaoxing Shaoxing 312000 China; 3. State Grid Electric Power Company of Chongqing Yongchuan Chongqing 402160 China |
Abstract SF6 has been widely used as insulating gas in electrical insulation equipment. The research of its decomposition components is an important content for the equipment fault diagnosis and online monitoring. CS2 is one of the common SF6 decomposition components under the solid insulation defects. CS2 has absorption spectra in the UV band of 190~210nm. Based on the ultraviolet differential absorption spectroscopy (UV-DOAS), the UV spectrum detection platform was established. Firstly, the UV absorption spectrum of CS2 was obtained by experiments. Baseline deduction and wavelet processing methods were used to extract the effective signal in the absorption spectrum, which eliminated high and low frequency noise in the spectrum. Then, the spectral information is converted to the frequency domain by fast fourier transformation (FFT), and the linear relationship between the gas concentration and the spectral frequency domain eigenvalue was gained. The detection method of CS2 shows good linearity (R2=0.999 6) in the range of 10~200nL/L and satisfactory repeatability. The detection limit is 2.584nL/L. The method shows a potential for on-line monitoring of trace CS2 in decomposition components of SF6 insulation equipment.
Received: 19 July 2017
Published: 26 September 2018
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