Automatic Optimization Method for Model Parameters Off-Line Identification of Synchronous Generator Excitation System |
Shen Xiaojun1, Li Wutong1, Qiao Guanlun1, Li Fuxing2, Su Lei2 |
1. Department of Electrical Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 200092 China; 2. State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Science Research Institute Shanghai 200437 China |
Abstract The traditional method of parameter off-line identification for synchronous generator excitation system is greatly influenced by subjective experience, which results in the lack of uniqueness of the identification data. It is difficult to obtain the optimal parameters. Thus, an automatic quantitative optimization method is carried out for off-line identification of synchronous generator excitation system model parameters. First, based on relevant standards and the process for the traditional parameter off-line identification of the excitation system model, the per unit judging rule and the calculation method of performance error indexes, such as the rise time, peak time and overshoot, are proposed. Then, according to the performance error indexes per unit rules and priority weight optimization model, the optimization method and process for parameter identification of excitation system model is established. The case study shows that the proposed parameter identification optimization method and process can obtain the optimal and unique solution of parameter identification automatically and accurately under given conditions, which provides a technical means for increasing the accuracy of off-line parameter identification of excitation system model.
Received: 19 August 2017
Published: 26 September 2018
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