Speed Sensorless Control of Maglev Train with Double-End Power Supply |
Sun Pengkun1, 2, Ge Qiongxuan1, Wang Xiaoxin1, Zhang Bo1 |
1. Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive Institute of Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190 China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China |
Abstract The core technology of the stable operation of the maglev train is how to accurately obtain the train speed, position and motor angle information. In the double-end power supply model of maglev train, the principle of the extended electromotive force (EEMF) of the AC motor is extended to the control of the long stator permanent magnet synchronous linear motor. The mathematic model for the power supply system of long stator permanent magnet linear synchronous motor is established. Based on the principle of EEMF of rotating motor, the EEMF observer of maglev train is designed. The speed of the maglev train and the rotor angle are obtained by the method of phase locked loop (PLL). Through the semi-physical simulation experiments, the speed sensorless control method is verified.
Received: 30 March 2018
Published: 26 September 2018
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