Dynamic Voltage Regulation Control Method for Inductive Contactless Power Transfer System Based on LCL Resonant Converter |
Gao Jianxin, Wu Xusheng, Gao Wei, Hu Fengge, Li Guangyi |
Department of Electrical Engineering Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract In order to solve the controllable dynamic regulation of the output voltage of inductive contactless power transfer (ICPT) system, a dynamic voltage regulation control method based on LCL resonant converter is proposed. The LCL resonant structure that has constant current output characteristics is adopted at the transmitter, so that the current of the coupled coil of the transmitter exhibits constant current characteristics. At the receiver side, a controllable switch is connected with the output side of the LCL resonant converter in parallel to regulate the power output, and the controllable power output can be realized by controlling the switching state of the switch. When the switch is turned off, the LCL resonant converter at the receiver outputs the power to the load, and the output voltage rises. When the switch is turned on, the power output of the load is cut off and the output voltage drops. By detecting the output voltage, a negative feedback control is applied to the controllable switch, which can dynamically adjust the output power and realize the dynamic regulation of the output voltage. The method only adjusts the receiver, and does not need to communicate with the transmitter by wireless channel. The circuit structure and control method are simple and easy to implement. The proposed method is suitable for wireless power supply to multiple receivers using only one transmitter. Finally, a prototype of 2kW ICPT system is built. The feasibility and correctness of the proposed method are verified by experiments.
Received: 11 July 2017
Published: 26 September 2018
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