Design and Analysis of DC-Link Voltage Stabilizer for Voltage Source Converter as Connected to Weak Grid |
Huang Yunhui, Song Zefan, Tang Jinrui, Xiong Binyu, Hu Sheng |
College of Automation Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan 430070 China |
Abstract With widely application of voltage source converters (VSCs) in renewable power transmissions, VSCs based electrical device control system instabilities increasingly occurred, which does harm on steady operation of power system. This paper investigates design and analysis of DC-link voltage stabilizer for VSC as connected to weak grid. To begin with, scheme, design and effect of DC-link voltage stabilizer are studied. Design schemes of stabilizer’s inner control loops are presented by bode plots and control blocks. Moreover, control parameters of stabilizer are designed with some practical scenario. Based on small signal model, effects of stabilizer on VSC control system stability are investigated with varied grid strengths and operating points. Analysis results show that DC-link voltage stabilizer strengthens system damping and improve stability limits. Time domain simulation results show DC-link voltage stability is improved with stabilizer integrated to VSC, verifying effectiveness of design schemes.
Received: 18 April 2018
Published: 26 September 2018
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