Modular Multi-Level High Voltage Grid Simulator and Its Control |
Han Rong, Xu Qianming, Ding Hongqi, Luo An |
National Electric Power Conversion and Control Engineering Technology Research Center Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract Grid simulators can generate a variety of grid conditions to test electrical equipment. This paper proposes a modular multi-level high-performance grid simulator, using a multi-module cascade structure, which can effectively improve the output voltage level and quality. It can switch the number of modules according to the output voltage level, so that the output test voltage can quickly respond when system output changes. In order to obtain a high-quality, fast and accurate output voltage, an improved 6k±1 repetitive control based on state feedback is proposed, which can take into account the steady-state output performance and dynamic response speed of the system. The simulation and experimental results show that the designed grid simulation system can output the voltage transients, frequency fluctuations, waveform distortion and other conditions of the medium and high voltage level.
Received: 10 February 2018
Published: 26 September 2018
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