Field Emission of Carbon Nanotube Materials for Suppression of Bearing Current |
Hu Jiaming, Bai Baodong, Chen Dezhi, Guan Rongyu, Dan Fenglinzi |
School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract In order to solve the problem of bearing current in motor, a new method to suppress and eliminate bearing current by means of field emission characteristics of carbon nano-materials is proposed. Firstly, the advantages of carbon nano-materials are introduced, and the field emission characteristics of carbon nano-materials are analyzed. Secondly, the influence of the distance between the emitter tip and the anode metal plate on the field strength is analyzed. Finally, the field emission experiments of TNF300 type carbon nanotube fibers under non vacuum conditions are carried out by means of micro distance experimental equipment such as probes, microscopes and microscopes. The voltage and current curves of carbon nano-materials at different distances are obtained. After processing the data, the field emission characteristics are plotted and the results under different distances are compared and analyzed.
Received: 08 May 2018
Published: 26 September 2018
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