Research on Friction Characteristics and Modeling of Pantograph-Catenary Sliding Electrical Contact |
Guo Fengyi, Chen Mingyang, Chen Zhonghua, Shi Guang, Hui Lichuan |
Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering Liaoning Technical University Huludao 125105 China |
Abstract The friction performance with current of the pantograph-catenary system of electrified railway is the key factor that affects the train current-carrying and the wear of pantograph slide. In this paper, the pin-on-disc high-speed current-carrying friction and wear experimental machine, with copper-impregnated carbon grinding pin and pure copper disc as friction pair, was used to obtain friction characteristics related to pressure load, sliding velocity and current density. The friction increases with the increase of the pressure load, decreases with the increase of the current density, and increases with the increase of the sliding speed. And with the increase of the pressure, the friction increases amplitude is slow. On the basis, the friction regression model was established by using support vector machine (SVM), which was related to pressure load, sliding speed and current density with the pantograph-catenary system. Genetic algorithm was used to optimize the parameters. The validity of the model is verified by the experimental data, which provides a reference for further research on the friction of pantograph-catenary system.
Received: 24 May 2017
Published: 12 July 2018
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