Abstract This paper presents a multi-source coordinated model considering the dispatchability of nuclear power plants. Based on the actual operation experience and a large number of existing nuclear power simulation research results, the dispatchability of nuclear power, namely its peak-shaving feasibility, is analyzed. Then, the security adjustable region of nuclear power plants and operational constraints are proposed, the peak-shaving operation model is constructed as well. Based on the operational characteristics of nuclear power, two-stage dispatching method is adopted. Low power operation time of nuclear power is determined at pre-scheduling stage, and then the depth of peak shaving is optimized at re-scheduling stage. Finally, the optimal peak-shaving operation mode of the nuclear power is obtained. As for the uncertainties of wind power and solar power, the robust optimization method is employed to ensure the feasibility of scheduling decision. Through two typical cases of wet season and dry season, the results indicate that the proposed model can not only guarantee the safe operation of the nuclear power plants but also the economy, realizing the full consumption of specified amount of renewable energy. Besides, it effectively coordinates the power generation space of various power sources and balance the interests of all parties.
Received: 06 June 2017
Published: 22 June 2018
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