Thermal Analysis of Megawatt Pulse Intermittent Rectifier |
Xu Chen, Fu Lijun, Lu Lu |
National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China |
Abstract The pulse intermittent rectifiers, usually composed of power diodes or thyristors, are suitable for short-duration high-power applications. The power losses produced during the operation of the rectifiers may significantly increase the junction temperature of semiconductor devices. It is necessary to properly design the cooling system to ensure the safety and reliability. However, the analytical procedures aiming at this type of equipment were rarely reported before. Taken a certain megawatt pulse intermittent rectifier as an example, based on the thermoelectricity analogy, a thermal analysis method was proposed by applying multiple techniques such as fluid analysis, thermal transient analysis and curve fitting. The following tasks were done progressively to build an overall thermal impedance network: thermal parameter extraction of the power unit, modeling of the heat exchanger, and calculation of the thermal resources. The proposed overall thermal impedance network is effective to predict the junction temperature of devices and the heat sink temperature. The experimental results verify the proposed model.
Received: 22 April 2017
Published: 22 June 2018
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