Review of Precise Modeling Technology of Electrical Soft Magnetic Material Applied in Vessel Equipment |
Chen Junquan1, 2, Wang Dong1, Chen Zhihua1, Yu Zhishu3, Zeng Chun4 |
1. National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Vessel Integrated Power System Naval University of Engineering Wuhan 430033 China. 2. Department of Electrical Engineering University of Federal Defense Munich 85577 Germany. 3. Zhejiang Province Institute of Metrology Hangzhou 310000 China. 4. National Engineering Research Center for Silicon Steel Wuhan 430080 China |
Abstract As far as the discipline of our motor system is concerned, a series of remarkable achievements have been made in the major equipment building, which refers to such fields as energy and power, transportation, high-end manufacture. However, the continuous development in the field of defense and military industry puts forward higher demand on high-quality operational performance of the electromagnetic equipment. The demands include high power density, high reliability, high adaptability, low loss, and low vibration noise. Considering the applications required in ship equipment development, this paper has concluded the present technology status and raised some common basic scientific problems regarding precise measurement, characterization and application of soft magnetic material. Finally, the frontier development of the precise magnetic material modeling is prospected, and the weakness in the electrical engineering discipline in China is pointed out.
Received: 20 August 2016
Published: 05 December 2017
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