A Method for Reducing Detent Force Fluctuation by Double-V-Shaped Structure in Permanent Magnet Linear Motor |
Peng Bing, Li Liping, Zhang Nan, Zhao Guoxin, Liu Tiefa |
School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract The detent force is a major component of the thrust fluctuation in unilateral plate type permanent magnet linear motor (PMLM), affecting the application of PMLM in the field of precision driving. A double-V-shaped structure is put forward to weaken the thrust fluctuation caused by the end effect and the slot effect. First, this paper analyzes the fluctuation rules of the slot detent force and the end detent force. Next, the relationship between the slot detent force and the V-shape depth of the magnetic pole is derived based on the integral method. The relationship between the end detent force and V-shape depth is derived based on a special V-shape depth. Finally, taken a 12-slot 10-pole PMLM as an example, the finite element simulation and experimental results show that the method can effectively weaken the detent force fluctuation caused by the end and the slot effects.
Received: 15 May 2016
Published: 05 December 2017
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