Modal Analysis of the Flexible Rotor System for High-Power High-Speed Permanent Magnet Machine |
Du Guanghui1, Huang Na2, Zhang Fengge3, Wang Tianyu4 |
1. School of Electronics and Information Engineering Xi’an Technological UniversityXi’an 710021 China . 2. CRRC Yongji Electric Co. Ltd Xi’an 710016 China. 3. School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China. 4. School of Mechanical Engineering Shenyang Institute of Engineering Shenyang 110136 China |
Abstract For high speed machine, it is far more vulnerable when the rated speed close to critical speed. Under this circumstance, severe vibration will occur and even damage the rotor. For high-power high-speed machine, the rotor length is much greater than the diameter of the rotor. It needs to be designed as a flexible rotor system. The rated speed passes through the first-order critical speed, working in the security zone between the first-order critical speed and the second-order critical speed. But the scope of this security zone is very small, which brings great difficulties in designing high-power high-speed motor rotor system. In this paper, based on a 1.12MW, 18 000r/min high-speed permanent magnet (PM) machine, the dynamic characteristics of rotor system are analyzed theoretically, while the rotor modal and critical speed are also calculated. And then, the influencing factors on rotor critical speed are analyzed, including bearing stiffness, gyroscopic effect and the rotor main dimensions. Finally, a prototype is manufactured and a rotor vibration test is developed. The experimental results have validated the rotor critical speed analysis. It would provide the reference to rotor system design for high-power high-speed machine.
Received: 19 August 2016
Published: 05 December 2017
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