A Design Method for Compensation Network Parameters with Variable Constant Current Output and its Characteristics Analysis Based on Leakage Inductance Compensation |
Chen Qingbin, Zhang Weihao, Ouyang Yixin, Chen Wei |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China |
Abstract In this paper a new idea is proposed according to which variable constant output current can be got by compensation network parameters design for a given magnetic coupling system based on the multi-solutions of the transformer T model and the leakage inductance compensation theory. And the principle and the parameters calculation method of compensation network with different variable transfer admittance were analyzed based on electrical circuit theory. Also, the parameters design method with the consideration of the winding resistance and its frequency shifts characteristics were modeled and analyzed. The results show when the equivalent ratio n decreases the sensitive of the parameters decreases too, which can improve the load adjustment of the wireless power transfer (WPT). Finally, the prototype was constructed and the experiment results verified the theory analysis to be correct.
Received: 30 May 2017
Published: 05 December 2017
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