Characteristics of Alumina Dielectric Used for Oxygen Plasma Reactor |
Xu Shujing1, Li Rihong1, Yu Zhe2, Tian Yiping2, Zhang Zhitao1, 2 |
1. Institute of Marine Engineering Dalian Maritime University Dalian 116026 China; 2. Department of Physics Dalian Maritime University Dalian 116026 China |
Abstract An insulating dielectric layer is the essential component of oxygen plasma reactor. High performance dielectric materials ensure that the oxygen plasma reactor could work efficiently and stably. In this paper, the characteristics of alumina dielectric are investigated before and after aging. The surface of α-Al2O3 dielectric layer is smooth even has no defects, the relative permittivity is about 9.79. Its higher volume resistivity and lower loss factor help to improve the efficiency of oxygen plasma reactor. After working 50 hours, the substrate, relative permittivity and volume resistivity of α-Al2O3 dielectric layer are unchanged. But some substances from the sputtering of stainless steel electrodes are on the surface of dielectric layer, which reduce the surface resistivity. The results are meaningful for the optimization of oxygen plasma reactor.
Received: 23 June 2016
Published: 02 May 2017
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