Mechanism and Performances of a Single Mode Longitudinal-Bending Hybrid Type Linear Ultrasonic Motor |
Yue Yuqiu,Wang Guangqing,Zhan Yongzheng |
School of Information and Electronic Engineering Zhejiang Gongshang University Hangzhou 310018 China |
Abstract A novel single mode linear type ultrasonic motor which is combining the 1st longitudinal vibration excited by the piezoelectric stack and the 4th bending vibration excited by the piezoelectric plates is proposed in this paper. The structure and the operating mechanism of this new type ultrasonic motor were firstly introduced. Then the electromechanical model of the motor stator is modeled with the finite element method, the vibrating modal and the operating frequency of the stator were determined based on the numerical simulate analyses of the stator vibration performances. The elliptical orbits equation of the stator driving feet were derived according to the longitudinal vibration theory of the elastic bar and the bending vibration theory of the beam; the effects of the phase difference between the two exciting voltages on the elliptical orbits were numerically analyzed. Finally, the effects of the preload, the exciting voltage amplitude and frequency on the mechanical performances of the motor were studied based on the stick-elastic contact mechanism. Simulation and numerical results show that the operating frequency of the single model linear ultrasonic motor is 39 860 Hz; the prototype motor achieves the maximum thrust of 19.1 N and no-load speed of 310 mm·s-1 when the exciting voltage Up-p is 100 V.
Received: 20 September 2015
Published: 22 March 2017
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