Research on of Improvement of the Dynamic Ability for PWM Rectifier |
Yao Xuliang, Wang Xu, Feng Zewen |
College of Automation Harbin Engineering University Harbin 150001 China |
Abstract For the issues of large start-up inrush current and great load variation effect of three-phase voltage source PWM rectifier in ship electric propulsion system, a new method was proposed that outer voltage square loop is given and the DC-link capacitor current is taken as the reactive current reference, which can restrain the starting current effectively. Besides, according to the power relations during the moment of load disturbance, taking the compensation current and load current as the active current compensation for feed-forward control, a method of new feed-forward control of load current was proposed to improve the dynamic performance. Start-up inrush current is reduced by 60% and 40% in the simulation and the experiment, respectively
Published: 04 January 2017
Fund:国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(51279039) |
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