New Mixed Polarization Circuit Model and Parameters Identification of Oil-Paper Insulation Transformers |
Huang Yuncheng, Cai Jinding, Lu Jinyi |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350108 China |
Abstract With the aging of the oil-paper insulation system,the polarization responses would be more complex owing to a large number of aging products.In this case,the well known extended Debye model cannot reflect the relaxation process of the oil-paper insulation system actually.Therefore,a mixed polarization circuit model based on the equivalent circuit model and the extended Debye model is put forward.The proposed model can reflect the relaxation process of the oil-paper insulation system more actually.Secondly,the method for parameter identification is given,and the alignment method is adopted to confirm the branch number of the equivalent circuit.Finally,the results of example analysis and comparison confirm that the mixed polarization circuit model has higher accuracy than that of the ED equivalent circuit model,and the relaxation process of the insulation system is closer to the actual one.
Received: 22 May 2015
Published: 18 September 2016
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