Wind Power Accommodation Low-Carbon Economic Dispatch Considering Heat Accumulator and Carbon Capture Devices |
Lu Zhigang1,Sui Yushan1,2, Feng Tao1, Li Xueping1, Zhao Hao1 |
1.Key Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China; 2.State Grid Tianjin Power Dongli Power Supply Branch Tianjin 300300 China |
Abstract During the heating period in winter,the electric powers of cogeneration units are forced to be high because of the heating demand,leading tremendous curtailments of the wind powers in north power grid of China.Under the background of low-carbon economic dispatch of power system,according to this problem,an optimal dispatch model incorporating the combined heat and power (CHP) plant with heat accumulator and the carbon capture power plant is proposed.The total coal cost and the CO2 emission of the system are taken as two objectives.The constraints include the thermoelectric coupling of CHP,the heat and electric power balance,the units and carbon capture devices ramp rate,etc.The multi-objective bacterial colony chemotaxis (MOBCC) algorithm is applied to solving this model.The wind power accommodation,the economic costs,and the carbon emissions in different scenarios are analyzed.The effectiveness and validity of the proposed model and algorithm are verified by the results of the numerical examples.
Received: 31 May 2015
Published: 18 September 2016
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