Comprehensive Evaluation of Remaining Life of 110kV XLPE Insulated Cable Based on Physical,Chemical and Electrical Properties |
Liu Gang1, Liu Siliang1, Jin Shanger1, Huang Jiasheng2 |
1. South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China; 2. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau Co. Ltd Guangzhou 510310 China |
Abstract Gradual voltage endurance method, thermal aging method and activation energy method are introduced to assess the aging condition of 110kV XLPE insulated cable accurately. They focus on analysing cable’s physical, chemical and electrical properties from both macro-and micro-aspects. The results show that highest running voltage, over-load and increased temperature can obviously reduce the remaining life of cable with the reduction of about 60%~70%. Besides, the activation energy of XLPE declines on the whole. Synthesizing indicators of all the tests shows that the remaining life of the Japanese Sumitomo Seika cables put into operation in 1985, the Japanese Furukawa cables put into operation in 1985 and the Japanese Sumitomo Seika cables put into operation in 1996 is 10 years, 20 years and 20~30 years. This results are in line with expectation. Comprehensive evaluation of cable’s life has better accuracy and reliability, which has important guiding significance on line transformation and power network planning.
Received: 13 August 2014
Published: 12 July 2016
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