Influence of Space Dielectric Particle on AC Corona Discharge Characteristic of Conductor |
Zhu Lei, Liu Yunpeng, Wu Zhenyang, Geng Jianghai |
Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Security Defense North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract The UV imager FiLin-6 together with the video recorder is used to study the influence of dielectric particles on the AC corona discharge characteristics of the conductors. The test results show that with the increase of test voltage, corona discharge first happens in the air space between the conductor and the particle, then a bright discharge path will form, finally if the test voltage is high enough, discharge will bypass the particle and go on developing. The larger the particle size and the smaller the distance between the particle and the conductor, the smaller the corona onset voltage will be. The onset voltage is lower than that in single particle condition. Compared with single particle condition, the left and right arrangement of two particles have more effects on the corona discharge process and onset voltage. The displaced dipole method is used to calculate the electric field strength combined with the charge simulation method. The calculation result shows that with the decrease of distance between particle and conductor, the particle size and the relative permittivity increase, meanwhile the maximum surface electric field strength and the average electric field strength between the conductor and the particles increase. The existing of multi-particles will further increase the surface electric field strength of the conductor, where the impacts of the particles in the same direction with the electric field strength are larger.
Received: 20 May 2014
Published: 11 July 2016
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