Temperature-variable Dynamic Modeling of PIN Diode Based on Laplace Transform |
Zhang Jiajia,Ye Shangbin,Zhang Yicheng,Yao Yongtao |
Department of Electronics and Information Engineering Tongji University Shanghai 201804 China |
Abstract In order to realize the pre-evaluation of conducted noise of on-board equipment,it is necessary for the diode model to describe the dynamic characteristic accurately at wide range of temperature within on-board environment.By choosing the PIN power diode as the research object,the constant temperature Laplace transform analytical model is firstly established.By introducing the temperature parameter,the relationship between the parameters of the origin model and the temperature is expressed as a function.Thus the temperature correction of the model parameters is realized at any junction temperature,and a temperature-variable dynamic characteristic model for PIN diode is built.On this basis,the dynamic performance of the power diode is tested with the inductive load by the temperature chamber experiment.The model parameter extraction and the model verification are also realized.It is shown that,within the temperature range from 25 ℃ to 120 ℃,this model is accurate for the reverse recovery characteristic simulation with relatively small errors,and the abnormal oscillation of the PSPICE general model no longer exists.So the on-board EMI pre-evaluation requirements of wide frequency and temperature range are satisfied.
Received: 14 July 2015
Published: 21 January 2016
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