Multi-objective Fuzzy Chance Constrained Dynamic Economic Dispatch Considering Energy Saving and Emission Reduction |
Liu Wenxue,Liang Jun,Yun Zhihao,Li Zhengmao,Dong Xiaoming |
Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract Intermittent powers connected to the grid bring about significant economic and emission reduction benefits.But their uncertainty outputs cause new problems to the grid dynamic economic dispatch.In order to solve this problem,a multi-objective fuzzy chance constrained dynamic economic dispatch model with intermittent powers considering energy saving and emission reduction is proposed.Firstly the fuzzy characteristics of the prediction errors in different power prediction regions are analyzed and then the distribution parameters are fitted.Thus the fuzzy membership functions of the intermittent powers’ output and the load are obtained.Secondly,different fuzzy chance constraints with different measures for different system constraints are considered with the fuzzy theory.A multi-objective fuzzy chance constrained dynamic economic dispatch model considering operating expenses and CO2 and SO2 emissions is then established.To solve the model,the multiple objectives are transformed into a single objective through defining the objective membership function and the product convex fuzzy decision,the chance constraints are turned into their clear equivalent forms using clear equivalent,and an improved firefly optimization algorithm is used.The feasibility and the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm are verified by the analysis of the case.
Received: 04 May 2015
Published: 21 January 2016
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