Virtual Synchronous Generator Control Scheme of Grid Interface for Variable Frequency Drive Systems |
Wu Xuanqin, Tan Guojun, He Fengyou, Li Hao |
School of Information and Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221008 China |
Abstract The grid-side power converter is an import interface to access the distribution network for variable frequency drive systems.With the increasing penetration of variable frequency drive systems,the impact of the grid-side power converter on the distribution network becomes much more important.Firstly the virtual synchronous generator control scheme is formed in accordance with the synchronous generator model of traditional power systems,while the virtual speed controller and the virtual excitation controller are designed with the characteristics of variable frequency drive systems,which ensures low harmonic distortion of grid current as well as meets the load’s power need.The system can also respond to the abnormal grid voltage/frequency,which can improve the stability of the grid to a certain degree.Meanwhile,simulating the moment inertia of the synchronous generator can improve the inertia and damping of the grid interface and reduce the impact of variable frequency drive systems on the grid,and thus enhance the adaptability of the grid during the large-scale variable frequency drive system access.To achieve the flexible start of the grid interface,a virtual synchronization pre-connection control method is proposed,which can realize the flexible on/off switching of the grid and eliminate the inrush current.The simulation and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.
Received: 02 January 2015
Published: 18 December 2015
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