Abstract The distribution of each phase short-circuit current can be changed by the variation of the distributed generation capacity when the single phase ground fault occurs in the distribution network.But it cannot change the characteristics of the zero-sequence current in the head of each line,i.e.the sum of the zero-sequence currents in the non-fault lines equals the head line zero-sequence current in the fault line but they have the inverse direction for the non-power frequency zero-sequence currents.This feature can be used as a fault line selection criterion.This paper proposes a novel method using Hilbert-Huang transform algorithm to extract the non-power frequency component of the zero sequence current in each line,and calculates their energy weighting coefficient.Then the digital notch filter is used to extract the 5th harmonic current of the zero sequence current.It can be concluded that:(1) the fault occurs in the bus if the direction of the 5th harmonic current is same;and (2) when one line has the largest energy weight coefficient and its direction of the 5th harmonic current is different from others,the fault occurs in the line.Through simulations,the proposed method is proved to be able to select the fault line accurately and reliably in the difficult cases,i.e.the small angle fault,the high-impedance ground fault,and the fault in the end of line and etc.,with high accuracy and reliability.
Received: 15 January 2015
Published: 07 December 2015
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