Abstract Recently,there are several reports on the low-frequency oscillation phenomena in the traction power supply systems of Chinese electric railways.It’s a new issue after more and more AC-DC-AC drive Electric Multiple Units (EMUs) and locomotives have been put into service.According to the related domestic and foreign literatures,the low-frequency oscillation phenomena in the traction power supply system are classified into two types,whose main features are described respectively.After analyzing the on-site measured data of domestic low-frequency oscillation cases,a detection method based on the single-phase dq decomposition is introduced.The analysis methods for this phenomenon are summarized into 3 types,i.e.the time-domain simulation,the eigenvalue analysis,and the frequency-domain analysis.And then,the pros and cons of these methods are discussed.As the low-frequency oscillation is caused by the interaction of the vehicle and the grid,the oscillation damping methods on both sides are concluded respectively.The directions for future researches are set forth in the final part.
Received: 05 January 2015
Published: 07 December 2015
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