The Influence of Gas Insulated Substation Structural Parameters on Transient Enclosure Voltage Waveform |
Han Mingming, Li Qingquan, Liu Hongshun, Yang Luming |
Shandong University Jinan 250061 China |
Abstract Structural parameters and equivalent model of the bus-bar system are the foundations for analyzing transient enclosure voltage (TEV) of gas insulated substation (GIS). In this paper, partial sub-conductor equivalent circuit (PSEC) is applied to calculate the impedance parameters of the insulated-phase bus-bar system, and the theory of transmission line in single-phase GIS bus-bar system is used to establish the simplified mode with lumped parameters. Meanwhile, mathematical analysis method is used to analyze the factors affecting transient over-voltage of GIS enclosure. The TEV is simulated under different configurations, and then the voltage waveform graph and amplitude- frequency characteristic curve are acquired, which verify the simplified model. On this basis, the effects on the peak value of TEV are discussed, including the fracture capacitance of circuit breaker, the length of the last bus-bar section, and the impedance and number of earth wire. The simulation results show that TEV is a type of voltage wave composed by multiple frequency components, and its peak is proportional to the bus bar terminal voltage. TEV occurrence time can be delayed by the arc resistance, and the peak value of TEV can be decreased by reducing fracture capacitance of the circuit breaker and impedance of earth wire, and increasing the length of the last bus-bar section and the quantity of earth wire.
Received: 02 September 2014
Published: 30 November 2015
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