Analytical Expressions of Timeharmonic Electromagnetic Field of Misalignment Solenoidal Coils |
Song Xianjin1,2,Liu Guoqiang1,Li Yanhong1,Zhang Chao1,Xu Xiaoyu3 |
1.Institute of Electrical Engineering CAS Beijing 100190 China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049 China:3.Institute of Microelectronics of CAS Beijing 100029 China |
Abstract Hollow solenoidal coils are used extensively in engineering projects;however,they are commonly not entirely coaxially symmetric in realworld applicationsSo it is practically significant to carry out studies on the timeharmonic electromagnetic analytical expression for misalignment solenoidal coilsIn this study,a magnetic vector potential is derived from Maxwell’s timeharmonic equations and the analytic expressions are established for coaxially symmetric solenoidal coils firstlyThen the expressions for the electric field strength and induced voltage of misalignment coils are deduced by spatial transformationFinally,the spatial electromagnetic distribution is obtainedThe analyses are verified by numerical calculations and experiment resultsThe conclusions have some practical significance for the applications of solenoidal coils.
Received: 28 May 2015
Published: 21 October 2015
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