Quasi-real-time Coordinated Charging/Discharging Policy for Electric Vehicles |
Tan Xiaobo1,2,Zhao Hai1,Peng Haixia1,3,Li Dazhou4 |
1.School of Information Science and Technology Northeastern University Shenyang 110819 China 2.School of Information Science and Technology Shenyang Ligong University Shenyang 110159 China 3.Laboratory of Broadband Communications University of Waterloo Waterloo N2L3G1 Canada 4.School of Computer Science and Technology Shenyang University of Chemical Technology Shenyang 110142 China |
Abstract As an important component of future InterGrid,Electric vehicles have gained more and more attentions.Aimed at the electric vehicle charging/discharging problem,this paper proposes a quasi-real-time coordinated charging/discharging multi-agent system.The system provides quasi-real-time information for charging/discharging decision by using M/G/∞ queuing model to predict future electric vehicle charging load demands in a short time.The goal of the two-stage optimizationpolicy is to maximize the users’ satisfaction and to minimize the charging costs without violating the power system constraints,which meets the charging demands and saves the users’ charging costs.Simulation results show that the multi-agent system with two-stage optimization policy can realize the coordinated electric vehicle charging/discharging management at high penetration efficiently and improve the system robustness.
Received: 15 February 2015
Published: 14 September 2015
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