Research on the Effect of Energy Storage Station on Assortative Mixing in the Power Grid |
Yang Tian 1,2,Liu Xiaoming1,3,Wu Qi1,4,Gao Jing1,Zhao Hai5,Cai Wei5 |
1.School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China 2.Energy-Saving Monitoring Center of Liaoning Province Shenyang 110004 China 3.Shenyang University of Technology (Yingkou) Institute of Engineering and Technology Yingkou 115200 China 4.TBEA(Shenyang) High Voltage Switchgear Research Institution Shenyang 110025 China 5.School of Information Science and Engineering Northeastern University Shenyang 110004 China |
Abstract For the mixing pattern of generators and loads in the power grid,the parameterized mixing matrix and the assortativity coefficient are used in this paper.The results indicate that the grid is in between the random mixing case and the regular case and has disassortatively mixed characteristics.Based on the stochastic mode and the rules mode,the access model of the energy storage power station has been proposed.Moreover,the impacts of the energy storage power station for the assortativity of the grid have been studied.With the increase in the number of the energy storage power station,the assortativity of the grid increases.Furthermore,the rules mode access way is more likely to affect the assortativity of the grid.
Received: 15 February 2015
Published: 14 September 2015
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