The Control Strategy of Active Power and Frequency Regulation of DFIG Under Wind Abandon Condition |
Mi Zengqiang1,Liu Liqing1,Yu Yang1,Du Ping2,Yuan He1 |
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China; 2.Power Dispatching Control Center State Grid East Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company Limited Hohhot 010020 China |
Abstract Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines can provide power reserve and frequency support for the grid under wind abandon condition.In order to reduce the mechanical fatigue caused by frequent adjustment of rotor speed and pith angle,an active power and primary frequency control strategy based on the optimization of transfer trajectory at operation points is proposed.The introduction of the droop control enables the participation of the grid frequency regulation.Firstly,the stability of the wind turbine at different operation points under wind abandon condition is analyzed.Secondly,a transfer trajectory optimization model for operation points is established.The minimum adjustment of rotor speed and pith angle is treated as the objective function;and the power balance,operation point stability et al.are considered as the constraints.A method dealing with infeasible solution is proposed to obtain the optimal feasible transfer trajectory.Finally,to realize the active power control and the grid frequency regulation,an operation trajectory and a frequency regulation controller are established and the traditional control strategies for pitch system and rotor side converter are improved,which ensures that the wind turbines can track the optimal transfer trajectory.The simulation results show that the control strategy can reduce the adjustment of rotor speed and pith angle dramatically while completing the task of wind abandon and providing frequency support for grid.
Received: 04 January 2015
Published: 08 September 2015
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