Stochastic Optimal Reactive Power Reserve Dispatch Based on Convex Relaxation of Chance Constraints Considering Voltage Control Areas |
Fang Sidun1,Cheng Haozhong1,Ma Zifeng1,Song Yue2,Zhang Jian3,Li Boqing3 |
1.School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China; 2.Department of Electric Engineering of Hong Kong University Hong Kong; 3.China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract In order to address the uncertainties of sustainable energy integration and regional characteristics of reactive power,a stochastic optimal reactive reserve dispatch method based on voltage control area is proposed in this paper.At first,agglomerative clustering and modularity index are employed to find the system reactive area.And then the convex relaxation method is adopted to transform the stochastic optimization model into deterministic.Finally,a successive regional optimal reactive reserve optimization method is proposed.Several test cases demonstrate that convex relaxation is able to convert chance constraints accurately.The proposed method transforms the high dimensional original optimization problem into several regional sub-problems with low dimension,which leads to high computational efficiency.The dispatch scheme has significantly enhanced the reactive power reserve and voltage stability margin.The operational risk of the power system is also decreased,which also enhances the voltage profile of N-1 scenarios.
Received: 29 December 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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