Application Foreground of Transformer Inductive Filtering Technology |
Li Yong, Luo Longfu, Liu Fusheng, Li Ji, Zhang Jie, Xu Jiazhu |
Hunan University Changsha 410082 China |
Abstract Differing from passive and reactive filtering, this paper proposes a novel inductive filtering technology. It displays the transformer’s potential electromagnetic capability and uses the inter coupling winding’s ampere-turn balance action, which could suppress the harmonics in the secondary winding and avoid the harmonics flowing into the primary winding, in addition, it could effectively delete the bad influence of the harmonic magnetic potential. This paper introduces three kinds of novel supply transformers and summarizes, the novel inductive filtering technology’s practical sense and its application foreground. Through analyzing various model experiments and measure data, it verifies the good filtering effect.
Received: 14 May 2007
Published: 12 February 2014
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