Permanent Magnet Outer Rotor Design of High Speed Claw Pole Machine |
Liu Guangwei,Teng Weibiao,Li Gengwu,Zhao Xin |
School of Electrical Engineering Shenyang University of Technology Shenyang 110870 China |
Abstract In order to solving the problems of large air-gap and heat dissipation caused by the rotor retaining sleeve of the high speed permanent magnet (PM) machine, the high speed claw pole machine with outer PM rotor is researched. The stress distribution of rotor yoke and PMs for different degrees is calculated; the critical speed and dynamic characteristics for several rotor modes is analyzed; the influence of the bearing stiffness on the critical speed is researched; the relationship between the main electromagnetic performance parameters and rotor sizes is analyzed, so the comprehensive design method of outer PM rotor is proposed, and a 1.5kW prototype is manufactured. The feasibility and correctness of design method of the high speed permanent magnet machine with outer rotor is verified by the no-load and load test of prototype.
Received: 31 May 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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