Passivity based Control of Three-Phase Four-Wire Voltage Source PWM Rectifier Based on PCHD Model |
Wang Jiuhe,Zhang Qiaojie,Li Ping,Zhang Jinlong |
School of automation, Beijing Information Science & Technology University Beijing 100192 China |
Abstract PCHD(Port Controlled Hamiltonian with dissipativity, PCHD) model of three-phase four-wire voltage source PWM rectifier is set up first. According to control goal of PWM rectifier,based on PCHD model passivity based controller is designed by IDA-PBC(Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control,IDA-PBC). Because of energy shaping and damping injecting used in IDA-PBC, storage function is made to go desired equilibrium point quickly and control objectives are realized . Switching function under dq0 coordinates educed by passivity based controller are simple algebraic expression and control structure can be simplified . Performances of PWM rectifier can be adjusted by damping injecting under ensuring stability. Therefore passivity based controller is easy debugging and realizable in engineering. Passivity based control based on PCHD model is proved feasible by Simulation results.
Received: 10 July 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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