Research on the Most Dangerous Output Short-circuit Discharge Conditions of Output Intrinsic Safety Buck-Boost Converters |
Liu Shulin,Ma Yibo,Wen Xiaoming,Qi Lili,Zhao Yongxiu |
Xi’an University of Science & Technology, Xi’an, 710054 |
Abstract :To obtain the most dangerous discharge conditions of Buck-Boost converters, the influences of the input voltage Vi and load resistance RL on the Output Short-circuit Spark Discharging(OSSD) energy are deeply researched based on the OSSD curve of Buck-Boost converter in this paper. Considering the actual parameter range, It is indicated that the OSSD Energy (OSSDE) of the Buck-Boost converter is a concave function about RL, but that increases with the decrease of Vi when RL is less than the critical resistance RLC corresponding to the given inductance L, while that increases with the increase of RL, but it is independent of Vi in the case of RL>RLC. Moreover, the characteristic inductance LT in Buck-Boost converters is deduced, and it is found that the corresponding Most Dangerous Conditions(MDC) are that both Vi and RL are the minimum in the case of L>LT, while, the corresponding MDC is that RL is the maximum when L<LT. The theoretical analysis and proposed MDC are verified by the simulation and experiment results.
Received: 10 September 2014
Published: 08 September 2015
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