Discharge Mechanism of Polluted Insulator with Glucose under Low Humidity |
Yang Cuiru1, Yang Shuai2, Tang Mingjun1, Zhou Wenjun2, Lei Jing1, Yu Jianhui2 |
1. Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Guangzhou 510000 China; 2. Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China |
Abstract In recent years it is discovered that there are large amounts of organic in the contaminant on insulation surface. There are some special discharge phenomenon appeared in many place. Influence of organic on insulator discharge is very scarce. This paper studied a strong discharge activity under low humidity which was caused by the glucose contained in contaminant. The influence of glucose on insulator under low humidity is studied by chemical analysis, simulation tests, flashover tests and chemical calculations. The results show that because of the strong moisture absorption of glucose, the leakage current of polluted insulator with glucose is much larger than the conventional polluted insulator, as the content of glucose exceeds 0.10mg/cm2. The thermal effect of leakage current makes the surface potential distribution of glucose polluted insulator more uniform, and reduces the initial discharge voltage of the polluted insulator. At the same time glucose possess a active chemical property, the bonds of glucose could be broken to generate free radicals with electric charge in the strong electric field or discharge. It enhances the electron transfer rate, and strengthens the discharge intensity. Physical and chemical properties of glucose cause the special discharge phenomenon.
Received: 06 December 2013
Published: 29 June 2015
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