The Aging Characteristic of Silicon Rubber Sheds of 110kV Composite Insulators Based on FTIR Test |
Wang Fochi, Lü Fangcheng, Yang Shengjie, Liu Jie, Li Ningcai |
Heibei Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Security Deference North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China |
Abstract In order to study on the aging characteristic of silicone rubber sheds of 110kV composite insulators, 9 silicone rubber composite insulators running in 3 different regions with 110kV were study with the Fourier transform infrared spectrum(FTIR) method. The FTIR difference of the silicon rubber sheds running with different electric field level, service environment and operating years were analyzed. The results indicate that the FTIR of the rubber silicon shed with higher electric field, more serious pollution environment and longer running years is smaller. At the same time, it is shown that the rubber silicon shed with higher electric field, more serious pollution environment and longer running years also aged more seriously. Moreover, the aging velocity of the rubber silicon shed increased slowly in the first 9 years running time, then increased sharply and become slowly after 13years running time. The operating year deteriorates the silicon rubber sheds more seriously than electric field and service environment. The SEM photographs of the silicon rubber sheds were also analyzed to demonstrate the surface deterioration of silicon rubber sheds.
Received: 31 December 2013
Published: 25 May 2015
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