End Effect Detent Force Reduction for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors with Auxiliary Poles One-Piece Structure |
Kou Baoquan,Zhang He,Guo Shoulun,Zhang Hailin,Jin Yinxi |
Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001 |
Abstract In order to reduce the end effect detent force of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor, a novel permanent magnet linear synchronous motor with auxiliary poles one-piece structure is put forward in this paper. The proposed linear motor has the features of low end effect detent force, high strength of structure, simple in manufacture, and so on. Based on the lateral force method, the end effect detent force of AP-PMLSM is analyzed. The analytical expressions of the position and the width of auxiliary poles which can minimize the end effect detent force of AP-PMLSM are derived. Then, the finite element model(FEM) of AP-PMLSM with 14-pole/12-slot is built. The simulation results from FEM agree well with the analytical expressions. It indicates the correctness of theoretical analysis.
Received: 28 March 2013
Published: 10 April 2015
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