Observer Design of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Based on Two-Stage Kalman Filter |
Yi Boyu1, 2, Kang Longyun1, Tao Sinian1, Zhao Xianxian1, Guo Hongxia1 |
1. South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640 China; 2. Hunan Institute of Humanities Science and Technology Loudi 417000 China |
Abstract The precise stator resistance is very important when designing high performance sensorless controller for Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor(IPMSM). Using extended Kalman filter(EKF) to estimate rotor position, speed and stator resistance will be calculated with high order operational matrix and make the real system be heavy computation. To solve this problem, a novel Kalman control strategy by using nonlinear two-stage extended Kalman filter(NTSEKF) is proposed. Based on coordinate transformation, the main idea of NTSEKF is to decouple the EKF into two parallel low order filters. The NTSEKF is decomposition operation of EKF, and both of them are mathematically equivalent. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the novel strategy can reduce the number of arithmetic operations compared to the conventional extended Kalman filter and keep good performance of identification.
Received: 14 June 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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