A Large Inertia Load PMSM Power Down-Rejoining on Optimizing Control System |
Gao Ya, Liu Weiguo, Luo Guangzhao |
Northwestern Polytechnic University Xi’an 710129 China |
Abstract Aiming to the current and torque impact of large inertia load permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) when power down-rejoining on with a high speed, a closed-loop transient optimizing control system is investigated in this paper. Firstly, the concept of equivalent damping windings is introduced, and the accuracy of the non-salient pole PMSM mathematical model based on transient analyzing is improved. Based on the new mathematical model of motor, the origin of transient impact when rejoining power-on and the affect of given speed are analyzed. According to the results of the analysis, a certain requirement for given speed of the closed-loop control system is proposed. Simultaneously, a voltage simulation controller and optimizing controller are designed. Finally, the experiments and simulations verify the validity of the analysis and the positive role of reducing the impact for designed optimizing control system.
Received: 27 April 2013
Published: 05 November 2014
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