Influence of Temperature on Polarization and Depolarization Current of Oil-Paper Insulation |
Ma Zhiqin1,2, Liao Ruijin2, Hao Jian3, Zhao Xiaoping4, Wang Yaolong4, Yang Lijun2 |
1.Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation, Guangzhou 510080 China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044 China; 3.State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Co., Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute, Chongqing 401123 China; 4.Yunnan Electric Power Research Institute(Group)Co., Ltd., Kunming 650051 China |
Abstract Temperature is one of the most crucial factors that influence the field measurement results of dielectric response method. For research the influence of temperature on polarization and depolarization current, oil paper samples are made according to the structure of transformer winding. Polarization and depolarization currents of oil paper samples are measured at different temperatures. A new method is put forward to eliminate the influence of temperature. Results show that both the polarization and depolarization current increase with temperature. Polarization and depolarization current decrease with time and become constant finally. An inflection point appears in the depolarization current and the time of inflection point shifts to lower with temperature increasing. A master curve can be formed by shifting the polarization and depolarization currents measured at different temperatures, and the temperature impact on the polarization and depolarization current can be solved by using the time-shift factor and amplitude-shift factor. Both the time-shift factor and amplitude-shift factor meet the Arrhenius equation, and the activation energy of oil paper samples solved by these two factors are almost the same, approximate 61kJ/mol.
Received: 27 October 2011
Published: 27 June 2014
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